Are You Know What is a Solar Energy ?

Before discussing the solar energy generation system, can initial be concisely delineate a important element during this system that is the energy of modification sunlight into electricity. solar energy generated by the photovoltaic cell element referred to as the number of regarding 10 ~ 15 cm square. This element converts the energy of sunlight into electricity. solar cells square measure an important element that is usually created ​​of semiconductor materials. multicrystalline semiconductor is that the material most generally employed in the solar cell industry. Multicrystalline and monocrystalline semiconductor philosophical theory produces higher efficiencies than amorphous silicon. 
While amorphus silicone is used as a cheaper relativism. Apart from the above non-organic material is also used natural elements, although still in the research stage. As one measure of performance is the performance of the solar energy panel. Ie the percentage change in the energy of sunshine into energy. The performance of a solar energy panel is now produced highly varying. Monocrystalline rubber has an performance of 12 ~ 15%. Multicrystalline rubber has an performance of 10 ~ 13%. Amorphous rubber has an performance of 6 ~ 9%. But with the innovation of new methods of performance of multicrystalline rubber are now able to achieve 16.0% while monocrystalline can achieve more than 17%. Even in a meeting in Sept 2000, Sanyo declared that they will generate solar energy panel has an performance of 20.7%. It is the performance of the biggest ever. energy produced by the solar energy panel is very little then some of the solar energy panel to be mixed, developing a component unit known as a component. Products from the solar energy panel sectors are in the form of this component. In its application, because the electrical energy produced by the component is still quite little (maximum average energy produced 130 W) then the employment of multiple segments are mixed and established what is known as an range. For example, to generate 3 kW of energy required range of approximately 20 ~ 30 square metres. More clearly, by means of the production component are designated Sharp NE-J130A series that has an performance of 15.3% is required to generate energy huge 23.1m2 at 3:00 kW

How it works

Systems that use residential solar power panels on the surface of the earth is composed of screen board , cost operator routine ( cost operator ) , and battery power ( batteries ) 12 volt maintenance free . A screen board component comprising several residential solar power panels are combined in series and parallel connected depending on the size and capacity required . Which is often used is the screen component 20 watts or 30 watts . The screen component generates power that is proportional to the surface area of ​​the board is exposed to sunlight .

Battery asking for operator routine in the screen system is an electronic routine that regulates battery power, the asking for procedure . This operator can regulate battery power v in the v interval of 12 v plus or minus 10 percent. When the v drops to 10.8 v , then the operator will cost battery power with residential solar power panels as a power source . Of course, the asking for procedure will be taking place at the time when there is sunlight .If the v drop that occurs at night , then the operator will cut off the supply of power . After the asking for procedure lasts for several hours , battery power v will rise When battery power v reaches 13.2 v , the operator will stop battery power asking for procedure .

Systems that use solar panels on the surface of the earth, the screen, charge operator routine (charge controller) and battery power (s) is 12 volt maintenance free together. Solar panel component comprising a plurality of solar panels in series and Schedule providers stuffing is easy to set up yourself. However, as in the state of routine service normally offered, as in the market. In fact, it is quite costly when bought individual owner device price. Most show program, which is only marketed as a finish program prepared to use. Accordingly, the show as a finish program that is certainly less costly overall as opposed to will of their own program.

Household solar energy parts are generally placed in a fixed place sun-drenched. While our planet goes around the sun. Obtained World orbit ellipse established by the sun is a point of focus. Because the sun goes from one position is always changing, so the place of the screen is fixed, it will not get the optimum energy. To process the maximum, then it must be harvested sun always fall perpendicularly on the outer lining area of the screen. Consequently, to obtain the optimal energy, solar energy board program is yet to be equipped with a control routine option to set the direction of the outer lining area of solar energy sections to always face the sun so that the mild falls mahatari almost verticle with respect to the solar energy sections. Remotes of this kind may be constructed, for example, using 8031 ​​microcontroller. This operator is not simple, since it includes software and hardware. Normally, the solar energy board program complete package does not include a operator for instantaneously driving the screen so that the solar energy mild is occurrence perpendicularly. For that reason, this kind of operator is very pricey.

Way of performing Solar energy Power system by using Grid-Connected Photovoltaic or pv screen panels for photovoltaic. Photovoltaic or pv screen component to change the solar panel technology into DC electric present. DC power generated will be routed through an inverter (power regulator) which converts it into an AC energy outlet, and also to instantly modify the entire program. AC energy will be distributed through an inside submission panel that will conduct electric present as needed electric equipment. Large and the cost of power consumption in the home used to be calculated by a Watt-Hour Meters.

The main components of solar photovoltaic systems are modules that are assembled unit several photovoltaic solar cells . To make the photovoltaic module manufacturing could use crystal and thin film technology . Crystalline photovoltaic modules can be made ​​with relatively simple technologies , while necessary to make high-tech photovoltaic cells .

Photovoltaic modules are composed of several photovoltaic cells connected in series and parallel . Costs incurred to make the solar cell module is equal to 60 % of the total cost . So , if the solar cell module that can be produced in the country means it will be able to save the cost of building solar. For this reason, the manufacture of solar cell modules in Indonesia first step is to make a frame ( frame ) , then make a laminate with cells that are imported. If the market demand so much cell manufacturing is done domestically . This is because the solar cell manufacturing technology with material single and poly crystal silicon is theoretically already mastered .

This technology is quite advanced and the advantage is low cost , clean , easy to install and operate and easy to maintain . While the main obstacle in the development of photovoltaic solar energy is a large initial investment and the price per kWh of electricity generated is relatively high , because it requires a subsystem consisting of a battery , and an inverter control unit according to his needs .

Solar cell material consists of glass and a protective material that protects the adhesive transparent solar cell material from the state of the environment , anti - reflection material to absorb more light and reduce the amount of reflected light , semi ¬ conductor P - type and N -type ( made ​​of a mixture of silicon ) to generate an electric field , the start line and end line ( tebuat of thin metal ) to send electrons to electric appliances . The workings of the solar cell itself is actually identical to the semiconductor diode devices . When light contact with the solar cell and absorbed by the semiconductor material , the release of electrons . If the electrons can travel to the semi-conductor material on different layers , the sigma changes the forces on the material . Style repulsion between the semi- conductor material , causing the flow of an electric field . And causes the electrons can be channeled to the beginning and end of the channel to be used on electrical appliances .